Aug 25, 2010


Well I wasn't going to blog about resort collections, since its old news now...but bear with me. These two collections had my pulse rising.

The Row resort 2011

Loafers, minimal statement pieces which look good on their own but at the same time provides a clean canvas to add  colour or a killer piece of jewelry. There's an androgynous, grungy but clean cut feel and what I love the most about it is that it looks so effortless + laidback + comfy: super epic combo. The Olsens know that sometimes, you just cannot be asked to wake up and create a fiasco trying on 348394372924 outfits in the morning... The collection has a quick solution for every scenario: bipolar weather/formal outings/informal outings...whatever the case, you're set and comfy and looking awesomely edgy.

Lanvin resort 2011

Feminine + fun + fresh! Ha, love my alliteration there (lame, i know, my apologies). Loving the fluid skirts, retro sunglasses, flirty dresses and those divine lace-up wedge/platforms (in the 3rd & 4th photo) that look so darn comfy.(IM SO COVETING THOSE, btw) AND Sessilee Lopez is in the campaign, which makes it doubly awesome. I'm hoping she makes more shows next season, methinks she brings something quite special to the table.

(photos from:

PS. dying for these babies.
Alexander Wang bootie. (

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