Oct 14, 2010


Took this photo last time I was in Paris, it was an accidental shot that turned out to be very pretty.

I'm well excited about this piece of news...I'm going to be studying university in Paris! Not excited to leave my family at all actually.
It's so very out of character for me to be revealing personal things like this to complete strangers but this might be an indication of how thrilled I am. I'm not bragging but I mean, it would reach the limits of my virtue if I were to tell you that I'm modest enough to never brag about such things. This just too amazing to NOT share.

 I've had troubles with my applications, results and IB remarks in the past 2 months so it was stressful for me (and my parents) to have to repeat the painstaking process of university applications AGAIN. Sometimes things do not go according to plan...a valuable lesson indeed

Words will not be enough to tell you how happy I am.  I'm looking forward to living in my most favorite place in the whole world I'll be discovering the little nooks and crannies of the city,  everytime I go to France I always feel very at home and content so maybe it was fate (but I highly doubt it, I don't believe in fairytale propaganda fate/destiny etc.). I guess that would mean much more eating out & food posts for you readers... or well, reader.


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